Interplay medium

AXOD Shield

interplaymedium Axod Microserver Shield

This is main accessory for the entire system. Long-term testing and operation have demonstrated that, even when implemented at the kernel module level, The IR sensor and 433 MHz receiver are significantly impact the processor resources on boards like the Raspberry Pi Zero. Additionally, relying solely on reliability of embedded systems can be somewhat presumptuous, as it may eventually hang for unknown reasons as well.

So it became evident that some external module is required. This led to the development of this expansion board.

The board includes an IR transmitter and receiver, an UART interface, 433 MHz receiver, DC-DC decoupler, 3 connectors for audio transmitters (Bluetooth or other), three optical MOSFETs for full decoupling of audio part, and a Video-Audio jack to connect everything to your grandma’s TV :)

The board can be split for 2 parts and easily used in conjunction with another dev-boards.

[ git ]


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